Thursday, August 12, 2010

Emma loved to play

I think the one thing Emma loved more than us, was playing. She was a freak when it came to catching a frisbee. She would turn circles before you threw it...

It didn't matter what time of day...she would even want to play in the dark..

And she loved people! She was not fond of other dogs, except for Oscar and Nessie.

She had this wiggle and goofy sound she would make when company came over. And she always had to "pinch" her Nannie (Ruby). She actually was so hyper for the first 3-4 years that I didn't invite company over except for family. It really was only in this past year that she started to calm down more and we even started camping with her.

Most mornings we would get a few good throws in before work... or maybe we would walk the driveway a few times, then she knew I was ready to go and she would head up to the front porch to sit on the old church pew. There were so many times that I felt guilty leaving her, and just wish I could stay with her all day. And in the evening when I would come home, she would be up the driveway further than she should have been, and she would see me and high tail it back down to the cabin, and then sit there like she had been there all the time.

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