Thursday, August 12, 2010

Dedicated to "Crazy" Emma

I really do not know how to begin this blog, but to say that our sweet "Crazy" Emma passed away suddenly Wednesday morning, August 11, 2010.
The Perseid meteor shower was active and I wanted to catch a few shooting stars, so Emma & I went out around 1:30 am. I did not stay out long, maybe 1/2 hour before going back into bed. Emma stayed out, as she sometimes will do. She was not at the door when I came down at 6:00 am, but that was not unusual. I fixed a cup of coffee and went out to call her, when she did not come, I started up the driveway and that is when I saw her laying still on the gravel. I called her, she did not respond. I was afraid and knew something was terribly wrong, I went up to her and saw that she was so still. I went to get Garland do you tell someone that their beloved pet is gone.....
We buried her that morning next to Ellie and Winifred. Three beloved pets gone too soon.

Emma came to me as a Christmas present 2005. She was born in Straightstone, VA to a busy cattle farmer on Thanksgiving day. Garland gave me a Christmas card with her picture in it, as she was still to young to come home to us. At that time she was even smaller than the photo below, and she sort of looked like a hamster, certainly not like a puppy dog. I remember the first time we went to see her, she ran out to Ruby, Garland & I as soon as she heard our voices. She was so fun of energy and so darn cute!

She came to live with us mid January.
She would have a big sister,
8 year old Ellie, our border collie,
and our 2 cats Winifred & Wilhelmina.
She was full of herself and immediately took over the house.
I know she drove Ellie's nerves wild.
I felt so sorry for Ellie.
And the cats just plain avoided her.

She loved to sleep
in the strangest positions and places.
Here she is under the chair..
she would sleep under here until she was too big to fit.

She had the softest fur of any puppy I have known.
It was like a teddy bear.
You couldn't help but love her.

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