Saturday morning I noticed our cat Wilhelmina looking down at the ground, so the curious person that I am, I went to investigate...
Down on the ground I saw this thing wiggling and it appeared to be a lizard. We have several around the cabin and I usual see one sunbathing on the front stone steps, well on further inspection this tail was detached from its owner...
now I am told that a lizard can lose their tail to escape from predators like my vicious kitty..
and so it may seem this was the where was the lizard?
Garland found him close by... evidently this was a recent occurrence since the tail was still moving minus it's body.. if you look closely you can see these pointed parts coming from where it used to be attached to the body...YUK...
Sadly, yesterday when I walked down to the garage I found same lizard in the grass..EXPIRED.
And Wilhelmina was no where around the crime scene...
Great pictures! Poor lizard. Quick cat:)